Authentic Homemade Hummus recipe – Healthy & Zero Waste

When comes to hummus, homemade hummus is the best as they contain no preservatives. They are healthy when compared to store-bought hummus. Here you can find the authentic and healthy homemade hummus recipe with or without the tahini. Also, it’s completely zero waste.

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How do you make hummus from scratch?

Hummus is easy to make at home. Let’s look into the ingredients for the homemade hummus recipe.


  • Boiled chickpeas – 1 cup (Buy them in bulk in your own container)
  • Tahini – 1/3 cup (Keep reading for the recipe)
  • Lemon juice – 1/4 cup
  • Garlic – 2 to 3 cloves (Fined chopped) (You can increase the number if you like the garlic flavour)
  • Ground cumin – 1 tablespoon
  • Salt – a pinch
  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Cold water – 2 tablespoons


  • Soak the chickpeas overnight and boil them the next morning. The overcooked chickpeas are great for preparing the creamy hummus.
  • Boiling: Immerse the 1 cup of chickpeas completely with water and boil them or you can even use a cooker to boil them from 12 to 15 whistle.
  • You can either remove the skin of the chickpeas or take them directly to the food processor to make a paste.
  • Transfer the chickpea puree to a bowl and add the tahini and lemon juice to the food processor. To get the creamy hummus, follow the same order.
  • Grind them into a fine paste and now add the chickpea puree, finely chopped garlic, Cumin powder, cold water and start the food processor again.
  • Then add the olive oil to get a rich flavour.
  • To make it more creamy, you can even add 2 more tablespoons of cold water again.

Your homemade hummus is ready!

Hummus recipe without tahini:

For the authentic hummus, you must use tahini. Tahini gives a good tangy flavour. But if you don’t like to add it, no problem. Just follow the above process without the tahini.

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Homemade Tahini Recipe:

Tahini is easy and quick to make at home!

  • Roast the sesame seeds in a pan without the oil in the medium flame.
  • Once the colour is slightly changed, off the stove and cool them to the room temperature.
  • Take them to the food processor to make them powdered.
  • Then add from 2 to 4 tablespoons oil to it little by little to get the creamy consistency.
  • Refrigerate in the airtight container. It comes for a month.

Health benefits of Hummus: (Source)

  • Hummus is a great source of plant-based protein and packed with vitamins and minerals.
  • They are high in fibre that promotes digestive health and feeds your good gut bacteria.
  • Promotes weight loss and helps you maintain healthy body weight. Interestingly, according to a national survey, people who regularly consumed chickpeas or hummus were 53% less likely to be obese.
  • Hummus contains several ingredients that may help reduce risk factors for heart disease.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What can I use as a substitute for tahini in hummus?

If you’re looking for the substitute for tahini in hummus, you can go for unsweetened peanut butter or any other nut butter. But it alters the taste of the hummus.

What do you sprinkle on top of hummus?

Sprinkle the hummus with olive oil, paprika or chilli flakes. I’d love to add some freshly chopped coriander leaves or parsley on the top.

Is hummus fattening or good for you?

As I mentioned in the health benefits, they are high in good fat. Hence they are good for you.

Is it OK to eat hummus every day?

Yes, it’s fine to eat hummus every day but make sure to go with one serving a day and you’re just fine.Earn with Fiverr!

What can you put in hummus to make it taste better?

The hummus tastes better when you follow the above recipe perfectly. Just adding the garlic, olive oil, lemon juice enhances the hummus flavour well.

How do you get the bitter taste out of hummus?

Bitter taste usually comes from the tahini or olive oil. If you’re using the store-bought, change the brand. But I’d suggest to make them at home. You can reduce the amount of tahini and olive oil to reduce the bitterness. Just alter the recipe a little and test yourself. You can try to add a little bit of sugar and salt to get rid of the bitter taste from the hummus.

How do you thicken hummus?

Start the process with little water in order to avoid thin hummus. You can add later if the hummus is too thick. Let’s be on the safer side. But no worries, it’ll taste the same irrespective of the consistency.

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Why does my hummus taste like peanut butter?

It usually doesn’t happen but if it tastes like peanut butter, try adding a little bit of lemon juice to it.

Can I freeze homemade hummus?

Yes, you can absolutes freeze them in the airtight container. Make sure not to fill the container full as the hummus expands when frozen.

How long does homemade hummus last?

Hummus lasts for a week when they are refrigerated properly. You can also increase its shelf life by freezing them in an airtight container. It lasts for 4 hours when they’re not refrigerated.Earn with Fiverr!

How do you know if hummus has gone bad?

You can know by its smell. It smells sour when the hummus has gone bad. So, try to have them within a week.

What do you eat hummus with?

  • You can substitute mayonnaise with hummus.
  • It’s a great healthy dip and can be eaten with veggies like carrots, cucumber and potato chips & fries.
  • You can also use hummus as a bread spread.
  • They are also great to dress salads.
  • It goes with burgers, pizza and wraps very well.
  • You can add in your sandwich or just eat with your pita bread. They are just delicious!

How do you like to have the hummus? Let me know in the comments!

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